The result? The PC emulation turned out to be very, very close indeed to the HD remixes, proving that the conversion team had replaced no original in-game art, aside from the on-screen text and button graphics. In our feature we compared the PS3 versions with the source PS2 titles, running not just on the original hardware but also on the PC via the open source PCSX2 emulator. Rather than attempt to run the game under emulation, Sony Santa Monica's original C code was essentially ported over to create the new PS3 versions. We were also intrigued by the approach that the conversion team took. Sony Santa Monica's original PS2 art worked beautifully in high definition, and the improved performance level could only be a good thing. Rumours are rapidly gathering pace suggesting that Sony is looking to follow-up the success of its HD 'remastering' of the God of War titles with a similar gaming double pack featuring the classic ICO and Shadow of the Colossus.ĭigital Foundry took a good, long, hard look at the God of War Collection at the tail end of last year, comparing the original PlayStation 2 titles with the new 720p60 PS3 revisions, and came away supremely impressed.